The Benefits of StudyABA’s RBT Mock Exams
- Our RBT mock exams match the structure and content of the BACB’s® RBT Task List. Therefore, the number of questions per content area matches that of the actual RBT® exam.
- They provide detailed answer explanations for every question. This is beneficial because it helps you understand why the correct answer is correct and why all other answer options are incorrect. This report is emailed to you immediately after you finish the RBT practice exam.
- There have been over 500 people who have taken our RBT mock exams. We have extensively evaluated every question on our mock exams to ensure that it meets our quality standards. Because of this, the pass rates of our exam are nearly identical to the pass rates of the real RBT® exam. This is beneficial because it provides you with an accurate assessment of how you will perform on the real exam.
- They provide an analysis of your scores per-content-area. This is beneficial for RBT exam prep because it shows you which areas to focus on while studying.
- They help you practice your pacing for the real RBT® exam.
- We are so confident that our RBT Mock Exams will help you pass the actual RBT® that we offer a Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose and a rewarding career as an RBT® to gain!
Free Trial
RBT® Mock Exam
Includes 1 RBT mock exam
You can take this exam twice
There is no time limit for this exam. You can pause and resume it at a later time.
This exam provides your overall percentage score and your scores for each content area
This exam includes answer explanations for every question
RBT® Exam
Prep Package
Includes 2 RBT mock exams and an RBT STUDY GUIDE!
You can take both RBT mock exams twice
There is no time limit for these exams. You can pause and resume them at a later time.
Both exams provide your overall percentage score and your scores for each content area
Both exams include answer explanations for every question
*Please note that the $25 RBT® Mock Exam is one of the two exams that are included in the $50 RBT® Exam Prep Package. Therefore, buying both of these packages is not recommended unless you would like to retake the RBT® Mock Exam.