- What this Package Includes
The Gold Exam Package includes 2 full-length mock exams, based off of the 6th Ed. BCBA® Test Content Outline. That's 370 total questions! You can take each Full-Length Mock Exam twice. Immediately upon submission, you will receive your overall score, your score for each content area, and detailed answer explanations for every question. There is no time limit to complete the exams. (We will not close your Dashboard until you have completed all of your exams OR your account has been inactive for 6 months.)

We are so confident that you will pass the real certification exam if you pass both of our post-tests, that we offer a Money Back Guarantee. A full purchase refund will be provided contingent upon:
1. 100% completion of both mock exams. 2. Passing BOTH exams with a score of 76% or better on your first attempt. 3. Failure of the official BCBA® exam, within 90 days of completing Steps 1 and 2. 4. Official exam results from the BACB® stating that you did not pass the exam.
*If Steps 1-4 are met, you are eligible for a full refund. You have 14 days from the day you took your BCBA® exam to claim your Money Back Guarantee. To submit a claim, please email your official exam report to and you will receive your refund within 1-3 business days. *Please note that StudyABA reserves the right to deny a refund if cheating is suspected. Our decision to deny refunds will be solely based upon our data anomaly detection process, which objectively examines several key data points to identify significant deviations from the average data sets of the thousands of test takers who have completed our exams. Appeals to our decision to deny refunds will be settled by a third-party data analytics company.Satisfaction Guarantee: Refund
If you are not completely satisfied while taking the first Mock Exam, we will issue you a full refund! Simply log out of the exam (before finishing it) and send an email to within 24 hours explaining that you want a refund. We will immediately refund your entire purchase, with no questions asked. Although no one has ever taken us up on this offer, we want to give you this peace of mind when you make your purchase. You have nothing to lose and a rewarding career as a BCBA® to gain!
Satisfaction Guarantee: Re-Access to Gold Exam Prep Package
If you DO NOT pass both of our mock exams and also DO NOT pass the real exam, you can retake all of the exams and quizzes in this package for free. This satisfaction guarantee will be provided contingent upon:
1. 100% completion of both exams.
2. Passing BOTH exams with a score of 76% or better on your first attempt.
3. Failure of the official BCBA exam (you must sit for the exam within 90 days of completing Steps 1 and 2).
4. Official Exam Results from the BACB® stating that (a) you did not pass the official exam, and (b) you took the official exam within 90 days of completing Steps 1 and 2.
*If Steps 1-4 are met, you are eligible for free access to retake all of the quizzes and exams in the Platinum Exam Prep Package. You have 14 days from the day you fail your BCBA® exam to claim your Satisfaction Guarantee. To submit a claim for the Satisfaction Guarantee, please email your BACB® exam report to: This Satisfaction Guarantee is only available one time.