Details of our BCBA Mock Exams
5th Edition BCBA Mocks Now Available!
Our 5th Edition Task List Mock Exams are now available! We have administered over 30,000 mock exams to people in 71 countries around the world.
Over 99% of the people who pass our BCBA® Mock Exams have passed the real certification exam! As of 2024, here is how our mock exams stack up against the real BCBA® certification exam:
Because StudyABA mock exams closely match the difficulty of the real BCBA® exam, they are a reliable indicator of exam preparedness. In addition, StudyABA mock exams objectively identify your strengths and weaknesses within the task list, which allows you to develop a precise study plan. StudyABA mock exams are not only a reliable assessment of exam performance; they also help improve your exam scores by giving you detailed answer explanations for every question!
The exams are taken through an online testing dashboard, which is designed to simulate the experience of the real BCBA® certification exam (1 question per page, ability to flag questions for review, ability to scroll back through answers, ability to review all answers before submitting, etc). Our BCBA® mock exams are based off of the BACB's® 5th Edition Task List and match the exact number of questions per content area as the real BCBA® exam. In addition, since the real certification exam includes 10 pilot questions, our mock exams include 10 additional questions (185 total) to help you practice your timing on the real exam. All of our BCBA mock exams contain different questions from one another.
StudyABA BCBA® mock exams are written and reviewed by highly-qualified BCBAs® who have more than 100 years of combined experience in the field. These BCBAs® come from a variety of backgrounds including college instructors, clinicians, ABA business owners, clinical directors, and more. Once the questions are written, they are reviewed by an editor to correct any grammatical errors. Then, each question is beta-tested with a group of 1,000+ BCBAs® and BCBA® candidates to rule out any questions that do not meet our quality standards. Finally, we use the data from the beta-test to compile a list of questions that matches the structure and level of difficulty of the real BCBA® certification exam.
(Attempts Allowed)
(Attempts Allowed)
(With Code: STUDYABA99)